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Guinevere  Warrior Queen
The Queen... The Warrior... The Woman...
GameRanger Nickname: *KoRT*~Guinevere.WQ
Account Identification Number:

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Guinevere is:
» twenty-two years old, and is the Queen of the Britons.
» quiet, noble, and resolved, 
» loyal to people and King

PERSONALITY: She is portrayed as being very beautiful and having captured Arthur's heart. She is both a wise and noble ruler, demanding justice at every count yet giving mercy to those who ask. Also quick to stand up for those who had no one to speak for them and expected women should be treated well and held in high esteem. 

NATIONALITY: Briton (Pict)

OCCUPATION: Beloved Queen

ALIGNMENT: King Arthur, Lancelot, and all Briton

ATTIRE: Long flowing gown and cloak, when not in battle. When in battle, she wears leather straps across her chest, leather vambraces, loose fitting leather pants. (Also adorns the traditional Woad markings framing her face, and body paint)
LIKES: Lancelot, Briton, Arthur, and her people

DISLIKES: Saxons, Romans, War, and fighting. 

STRENGTHS: Outstanding equestrian, excellent with a bow, and a good swordman. 

WEAKNESSES: Keeps too much emotion inside until she explodes with rage.
QUIRKS/HABITS: Constantly pushing hair from her eyes. Pout, doe eyes, well-timed flash of thigh

FEARS: Briton falling under Saxon rule.

GOALS: To live in peace and unity.
WEAPONRY: Excellent with a bow. Good with a sword and dagger. 
“There was a time when men held sway over battle but at as that time has come and gone. All that is left are the ashes and flames of what once was, the tears of grieving widows and children, and the scars of a land still in the grips of war.”

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Author: Lancelot







*KoRT* Lancelot





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